Still doing good on E-cigarette!
Just an update on my e-cigarette...I am still using it and doing GREAT! I am really proud of myself because I have never and I repeat never been able to come close to quitting smoking. I just love to smoke. Not anymore. Now I love to vape on my e cigarette. I am saving so much money too. I was spending $5 a day on cigarettes. This week I spent $10 on puresmoker.com you see I invested in the Marlboro refill liquid for my e-cigarette and now when I want to refill my cigarette I just drop two drops of this vaporizing liquid into my e-cigarette and I'm all set. It's just like smoking a marlboro but without the harmful effects. The funny thing is that after almost 2 weeks now...I actually forget about smoking. I even sometimes forget about the e cig too. The only times I have smoked are when I am drinking a cold beer or something and I got the urge but I can tell that is becoming easier not to do as well. When I have smoked I realized that I enjoy puffing on my e cig more. It's wonderful to be able to enjoy the same sensations as smoking but knowing that I'm not doing anything to jeopardize my health. Smokers take notice and try this...you won't regret it I promise.
My favorite blog of the week!
And the winner is....drum roll please.....
Great blog check it out...comment...great photos. Love this artist!
Great blog check it out...comment...great photos. Love this artist!
Baby Chicks Week 2-4
I just wanted to post an update on my baby chickies!! I brought them home on Good Friday April 10th and they were 5 days old. I have the pics above in order of the weeks 2-4...my how they've changed. Right now they are going through that awkward teenage stage where they look kinda weird...first pic above. They are no longer living in their metal tub they have their own house now. It is a nice white chicken coop with blue shutters just like my house...they have a big window to look out of. They love it! Hopefully today Brian and I will be able to start putting the chicken wire around the entire outside of their coop so that they can run around outside very soon. I will post pics of the coop tomorrow.
Beautiful lake weekend!!! Love it!
The weather was absolutely perfect this weekend which meant it was time...time for what you say? Time to pull the boat out of the garage and clean it up for it's first yearly maiden dip in the still waters of our local lake. Brian and I geared up and pulled out early Sunday morning and I have to say we had a very enjoyable, relaxing, romantic voyage. The water was like glass and so still it was like we had the whole lake to ourselves at first. We floated, fished, visited my step brother Doug and his wife Jennie at their camper, then we just cruised and cruised the lake. I loved the pics I got out there...check those out above. I always love a day on our boat. It's our time to do what we love and connect just the two of us. I am such a lucky girl.
Britney goes to Senior Prom
Just wanted to share these pics that I took of Britney before her Senior Prom. She wore the most beautiful lime green dress and it was a perfect fit for her. She was beaming and it was so easy to photograph her in all of her splendor. We are also very happy for her...last week she signed with a local college to play basketball. Congratulations Brit!