Ashley's got a gun!!!
Today I was livin' in the Wild Wild West! The Kendrick cowboys have decided it would be a great idea for us to get our permits to carry concealed weapons. So today I got my first lesson in handling firearms and I LOVED IT!!! Turns out I am a really good shot. Look out boys! Ashley's got a gun...the whole world's come undone! Yee Haw! Ya better not mess with the Kendrick's!
Happy Birthday and Retirement Fred!!!
Last night I got to visit with my buddy Fred. He celebrated his birthday and his official retirement all on the same day. The people he works with at the county gave him a big send off and so I took his birthday present down to him and let him fill me in on all the details. He was very proud of how the day had unfolded. Renee was there and Brandon (his kids) so we played with Brennan (granddaughter pictured), had a couple of beers to celebrate, took some pics and had a really nice time. But the big surprise comes this weekend. I can't wait for that...It's gonna be a blast!!!!
Snow Day with Ryan
The only thing I can say about today is BRRRRRRR! It was freezing. I woke up to a temperature of a balmy 7 degrees outside and the snow appeared to be stuck firmly to the road in front of the house. I flipped on the light to the back deck and out there it glistened like diamonds scattered in a blanket of white fluff...it was beautiful. I turned on WCYB (by the way my snow pic of the little red barn made the news Monday night...I did it again) and Marcus Lynch warned that if you didn't have to travel this morning you shouldn't. So I took his advise and decided not to make the trek to work today. So I put 15 pounds of ribs in the ultimate roaster oven that I got for Christmas, turned them on low, called the office to report that I wouldn't be there and I jumped my little hiney right back into bed and slept until 11:30am. It felt so good to do that. I never miss work so it was a real treat. Ryan and I took our good old time getting up and then we made a delicious Mountain Dew cake and 3 bean salad to go with our bbq ribs for dinner. It was yummy! Gotta love the snow days in Tennessee...we don't get that many.