Noah is 1 month old!
Isn't he just the cutest little 1 month old you have ever seen!!!? He is sooooooooooooooooooooooo sweet. I cannot believe that it has already been a month since we were at the hospital and my sister gave birth to this bundle of joy. He is a hungry little monster. He wants to eat eat eat...he has to get that from me and Amber. Ha ha.
He has now moved to his new home and we have set up his new nursery. It is as cute as a button. I am so happy that they live closer now. I can see them whenever I get the urge. Yeah!!!
I am going to spoil the heck out of this kid for the rest of his days. I have already spoiled my son. He is enjoying his summer out of school, helping his grandfather with his business and hanging out with his grandma betty. The weather has been a little cool here for the past couple of days...I am ready for it to get hot again. I want to spend more time in the pool. Later!